Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department (APGLI ) Scheme
APGLI – Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department.
The APGLI Department is perhaps the most seasoned office in the Andhra Pradesh
State.The Scheme was initially begun in 1907 by the Nizam of past
State of Hyderabad for the government assistance of his representatives. A
Management Committee used to run the plan at first for the sake of Family Fund.
Later the plan was renamed as Hyderabad State Life Insurance Fund in the Year 1913. After the arrangement of Andhra Pradesh State in 1956, the Scheme was changed as "Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund".
Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department:
APGLI Scheme is a Social Security Measure for the Welfare of the Government representatives adn is required for all Government workers and provincialized neighborhood Body representatives. APGLI Department is Under the Administrative Control of Finance Department.
APGLI is an Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department
The Drawing and Disbursing Officers concerned are subsequently mentioned to recuperate the obligatory premium of A.P.G.L.I. sum which was endorsed in the Government arranges now and again to deduct the mandatory premium from the date of installment of first compensation before long he/she joins the Government administration without hanging tight for finishing of one year administration, who are in the insurable age of 21-53 years.
APGLI Scheme: APGLI Latest Information
Every one of the Policy Holders are thusly mentioned to present the accompanying data while submitting applications for assent of Loan/Settlement of Claim cases for making installment on the web and sending SMS:
a. Worker I.D Number.
b. Versatile Number.
c. Xerox duplicate of First page of Saving Bank Pass Book to be encased to the application appropriately containing the accompanying.
d. Showing Bank Account number
e. Bank office name
d. IFSC Code
In any case such applications will be protested without preparing in future.
For issue of Policy: Mobile Number might if it's not too much trouble, be referenced in Proposal Form for sending SMS for new/improved arrangement number subtleties
Elements of the APGLI Directorate:
1. Supervision of District Insurance Offices.
2. Consolidation and Submission of spending evaluations and dispersion of financial plan under administration costs, advances and claims.
3. Review of progress made by District Insurance Offices.
4. Printing and supply of departmental structures and writing material articles.
5. Evolving systems, adjustments, cancellations, and so on…
6. Issue of explanations/rules to Dio's.
7. Implementation of Government orders gave every now and then.
8. Preparation of Proforma Accounts and Movement Schedule work.
9. Declaration of reward.
10. Administration of A.P. State Employees Group Insurance Scheme.
11. Maintenance of Insurance building complex.
Elements of the District Insurance Office:
a. Issue of Policies:
b. Posting of Schedule Premiums.
c. Assent of Loans.
d. Settlement of Claims.
e. Arrangement of information for Proforma Accounts, Reserve Accounts, Movement Schedule work for presentation of reward.
Remarkable Features of APGLI:
1. The Government workers who are somewhere in the range of 21 and 53 years old are qualified for taking APGLI Policies.
2. The APGLI Department gives just Endowment Policies which develop one day before attaining(58) years old.
3. APGLI approaches don't pass.
4. The Premium rates are low.
5. APGLI Premium is absolved from personal expense under segment 80C.
6. Attractive Bonus rates.
7. The present pace of Bonus is Rs 100/ - for each Rs 1000/ - Sum Assured per annum.
8. The Loans are authorized up to 90% of Surrender Value.
9. Only Simple Interest of 9% per annum is charged against credits authorized.
Issue of APGLI Policies:
1. After allowance of first Premium, the worker needs to top off and present a proposition structure properly marked and verified by his/her DDO/Head of office for getting APGLI strategy.
2. In regard of second or resulting arrangements additionally, the strategy holder needs to offer proposition frames and get ensuing strategies.
3. Only superior installment without accommodation of proposition structure won't give any danger inclusion or financial advantage to the supporter and such installments will be treated as unapproved sums which will be discounted on application with out any interest or reward.
4. Employees who have finished (53) years old are not qualified to take APGLI policies(first or resulting).
5. Proposals submitted after(53) years old won't be considered for issue of arrangements regardless of whether charges are paid before 53 years old.
Settlement of Premiums:
1. Head of the Account of APGLI Department: 8011-105-01.
Significant Head 8011 – Insurance and Pension Funds.
MH 105 – State Government Insurance Fund.
SH (01) – Andhra Pradesh State Government Life Insurance Fund.
2. The premium is recuperated at source in the compensation bills of the workers and the subtleties are sent through plans.
3. The representatives whose pay rates are not paid through Treasury/PAO and who need to pay the premium through Challan need to credit the premium to the above top of the record.
4. Please statement the office administration head and furthermore DDO number in the Challan.
Copy of APGLI Policy Bond:
1. The worker needs to demand his/her DDO to deduct One rupee extra notwithstanding standard premium in the compensation plans for one time as it were.
2. After allowance, the worker needs to present a revelation structure on a paper expressing that he/she has lost the arrangement or the approach is obliterated and that he/she has not sold the strategy anyplace. This revelation must be endorsed by him/her and confirmed by DDO/Head of the Office.
3. The worker needs to present the above revelation structure alongside the duplicate of the month to month timetable to the separate District Insurance Office for getting the copy strategy.
1. Please statement right approach numbers in the Schedule to try not to miss credits.
2. Submit proposition structures at whatever point the APGLI premium is expanded to get extra strategies.
3. Proposal structure must be submitted previously (53) years old
4. APGLI premium is excluded from annual duty under Section 80C.
5. The State
Govt. representative can contribute most extreme premium upto 20% of the
essential compensation, independent of section rates.