Multisystem_ Inflammatory_ Syndrome_ in _Children (MIS-C) _included_ in_ Aarogyasri_ Scheme_ GO 67



Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) included in Aarogyasri Scheme GO 67

Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) included in Aarogyasri Scheme GO 67. HM & FW Dept. – Inclusion of new procedures of “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)” under Aarogyasri Scheme to treat the children suffering with Multi system inflammatory syndrome Orders Issued. Treatment of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) included in Aarogyasri Scheme GO 67


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Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) included in Aarogyasri Scheme GO 67. HM & FW Dept. – Inclusion of new procedures of “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)” under Aarogyasri Scheme to treat the children suffering with Multi system inflammatory syndrome Orders Issued. G.O.MS.No. 67 Dated: 29-06-2021. Read the following:


1) G O.MS.No.51, HM&FW(I) Department., Dated:06.04.2020, 

2) G.O.Ms.No.77, HM&FW(I) Department, Dated.08.07.2020. 

3) G.O.Ms.No.78, HM&FW(I) Department, Dated.20.07.2020. 

4) G.O.Ms.No.147, HM&FW(I)Department, Dated.06.11.2020. 

5) G.O.Ms.No.54,HM&FW(I)Department,Dated.19.05.2021. 

 6) G.O.Rt.No.269,HM&FW(B2)Dept, Dated.28.05.2021 

7) From the CEO, Dr. YSRAHCT, Mangalagiri e file No. File No.YSRAS-20032/4/2021- OPERATIONS-YSRAS (Computer No. 1428046), Dated: 15.06.2021.


In the G.O.6th read above, Govt. have constituted Paediatric COVID-19 Task Force Committee to advise on all technical/medical matters related to Paediatric age group and to prepare various protocols including treatment protocol and conduct extensive training programmes to Medical, Nursing and Para medical personnel.

2. In the reference 7th read above, the CEO, Dr. YSR AHCT, Mangalagiri has furnished the proposal for inclusion of (4) new procedures of “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)” under Aarogyasri Scheme to treat the children suffering with Multi system inflammatory syndrome as recommended by the AP Paediatric COVID-19 Task Force Committee.

3. Government after careful examination of the proposal, hereby include the following (4) new procedures of “Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)” under Aarogyasri Scheme:



Name of the procedure

Package price

Treatment details



Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C) with shock, with or without respiratory support (SEVERE)

Rs.77533 + Rs.25000 for NIV/Ventilator + Additional drug cost for IV-IG

5 days ICU stay + 5 days Non-critical stay= 10days

Immunoglobulins requirement :
2 gms per 1 kg of body weight 
Rs.13,500 per 10 gms of IV-IG


Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C) presenting as Kawasaki like illness(SEVERE)

Rs.62533 + Additional drug cost for IV-IG

5 days ICU stay + 5 days Non-critical stay = 10days


Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in children (MIS-C) without shock (MODERATE)

Rs.42233 + Additional drug cost for IV-IG

7 days of Non-ICU stay


Febrile Inflammatory Syndrome(MILD)


1 day ICU stay + 7 days non-ICU stay = 8 days

• 3 Follow Ups at 2nd, 4th, 6th weeks included in the packages

4. Further, the following shall be the provision to claim :

i) Additional drug for IV-IG @ RS 8000 PER vial for 5 -gram vial, Rs 13500 per vial for 10 gm vial. Claim shall be submitted as per vials used based on body weight of the child. Photos of vial showing batch number, bills for high end drugs, case sheet notes showing use of IV-IG is mandatory for claiming the same.

ii) Additional claim shall be submitted for claim of NIV/Ventilator @5000 per day for 5 days = Rs. 25000 (maximum) In case of Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children ( MIS-C) with shock with or without respiratory support. Photo and case shee t notes supportive shall be submitted for claim of the same.

iii) Additional surgeries shall be raised based on the complication as separate preauths along with the present codes like appendicitis, intussception, intestinal perforation from general surgery, paediatric surgery, any other specialty if required under the present existing Aarogyasri codes.

5. The expenditure on the above, shall be met from the provision made in the budget under the head of account 2210- 01-001-11-(09) Dr. YSR Arogya Sri Health Care Trust-310-312.

6. The CEO, Dr YSRAHCT, Mangalagiri shall take necessary accordingly.

7. This orders issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department, vide their U.O.No.FMU0MISC/193/FMU.HM&FW/ 2021, Computer No:1412221, Dated. 22 /06/2021.


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ApTeachers9: Multisystem_ Inflammatory_ Syndrome_ in _Children (MIS-C) _included_ in_ Aarogyasri_ Scheme_ GO 67
Multisystem_ Inflammatory_ Syndrome_ in _Children (MIS-C) _included_ in_ Aarogyasri_ Scheme_ GO 67
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) included in Aarogyasri Scheme GO 67. HM & FW Dept. – Inclusion of new procedures of “Multisystem
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