

 SWASTHH on Wheels and WASTHH School Water and Sanitation Programme

SWASTHH on Wheels and WASTHH School Water and Sanitation Programme:School Water and Sanitation Towards Health and Hygiene (SWASTHH) program. In this article, we are given more subtleties of SWASTHH Program SWASTHH on Wheels.

About "SWASTHH on Wheels "(Chakraalapai Aarogyam):

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The SWASTHH ON WHEELs had been taken in the mood for teaching and making mindfulness on Jawahar Bala Arogya Raksha (JBAR) and Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) exercises.

SWASTHH ON WHEEL: As a feature of "Jawahar Bala Arogya Raksha" (School Health Program) in A.P., an imaginative program was dispatched, to make mindfulness on wellbeing and cleanliness among kids and from them to the local area (SWASTHH – School Water and Sanitation Towards Health and Hygiene).

SWASTHH on Wheels and WASTHH School Water and Sanitation Programme

SWASTHH on wheels was dispatched on Nov 2012 to make mindfulness among understudies and guardians local area with respect to sterilization, sustenance, WIFS, Health cleanliness by including the Department of Medical and Health Education, ICDS, Panchayat Raj, Ngo's, Local chiefs, guardians, school wellbeing facilitators, ASHAs and Swachchata Doot/RWS.SWASTHH Program SWASTHH on Wheels.

Monday    Teeth and Tongue

Tuesday    Hair and Head

Wednesday       Ear and Eyes

Thursday  Nose and Nails

Friday        Heart and Hands

Saturday   Equipment and Empowerment


About SWASTHH program:

SWASTHH is a condensing of School Water and Sanitation Towards Health and Hygiene program.

SWASTHH Concept:

SWASTHH is undeniably in excess of a development program. Its worldwide goals center both around schooling and personal satisfaction. SWASTHH looks to create, test and effectively show replicable models for cleanliness training, water supply, and natural disinfection in provincial elementary schools and "Anganwadis" for pre-younger students.

The SWASTHH program plans to have an apparent effect on the wellbeing and cleanliness of youngsters through progress in wellbeing and cleanliness practices of kids, their families, and the networks. It additionally plans to work on the educational program and instructing while at the same time advancing cleanliness practices and local area responsibility for and sterilization offices inside schools.

It depends on the conviction that kids are undeniably more open to novel thoughts and are at an age when they can be impacted to develop the propensities for great individual cleanliness. The advancement of individual cleanliness and ecological disinfection inside schools can assist the youngsters with embracing beneficial routines during the early stages of their adolescence.

The SWASTHH program pursues a few related objectives:

       Effective learning Children perform better whenever encompassed by a perfect and clean climate.

       Enrolment and maintenance of young ladies Lack of private clean offices for young ladies can deter guardians from sending young ladies to schools and add to the exit young ladies, particularly of teenagers. Developing young ladies think that its hard to go to schools that have no or barely any severely kept up with offices. They will in general return home during break and not return.

       Reduced sicknesses and worm invasion If disinfection and cleanliness offices are missing or are gravely kept up with and utilized, schools and "Anganwadis" become wellbeing dangers. Youngsters pee and poo behind and around school structures in whatever empty space accessible. This is awful practice, a wellspring of spread of contamination, and conveys solid negative messages to the kids and instructors that this is an acknowledged standard.

       Environmental neatness Proper offices will forestall contamination of the climate and breaking point wellbeing risks for the local area on the loose.

       Implementing kid rights Children reserve the privilege to be pretty much as solid and glad as conceivable in their given conditions. Great disinfection and cleanliness rehearses lead to less sicknesses, better wellbeing, and better nourishment. In the same way as other kids in India fall in the "somewhat malnourished" class, any action to shield them from slipping further is a huge interest in human asset improvement and cheerful youth.

SWASTHH on Wheels and WASTHH School Water and Sanitation Programme

The particular SWASTHH destinations are:

       to make apparent the worth and effect of school and Anganwadi sterilization as seen by the local area and along these lines raise the degree of possession,

       to advance the significance of SSHE at the public, state and locale levels,

       to further develop cleanliness rehearses among younger students, their families, and networks.

The Objective of the SWASTHH ON WHEEL is to make mindfulness on JBAR and ARSH Activities, as well as making mindfulness, on the accompanying.


       Hand washing

       Menstrual Hygienic

       Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation(WIFS)

       Nutrition/Anemia – Prevention

       Personal Hygienic – THEN HE

       T: Teeth and Tongue

       H: Head and Hair

       E: Ear and Eyes

       N: Nose and Nails

       H: Heart and Hands

       E: Equipment

       Life Skills

       Reproductive Tract Infections

       Child Marriages

       Child Labor

       Using Toilets with Running Water

       Napkin Preparation

       Parental Training

       Aids and Appliances

       Strengthening of Arogya Clubs

       Change specialists CHINNARI DOCTORs

       Social access by School Management Committee/Parent Teacher Association

Swasthh on wheels: Innovative

A) THEN HE: This program was to make mindfulness among the local area through the youngster to kid, kid to guardians and family and Community by teaching the kids during morning supplication get together

  1. Monday: Teeth and Tongue
  2. Tuesday: Hair and Head
  3. Wednesday: Ear and Eyes
  4. Thursday: Nose and Nails
  5. Friday: Heart and Hands
  6. Saturday : Equipment and Empowerment

"Then, at that point" signifies executing the above practices to the younger students.

"HE" That is the understudy who will create as a solid and prosperous resident.

Ø  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Check more details of SWASTHH Programme SWASTHH on Wheels from here<<<<<<<<<



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ApTeachers9: SWASTHH_on_Wheels_and_WASTHH_School_Water_and_Sanitation_Programme
SWASTHH on Wheels and WASTHH School Water and Sanitation Programme:School Water and Sanitation Towards Health and Hygiene (SWASTHH) program. In this a
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