7.9% _Rate_of_Interest_per_annum_to_AP_GPF_(General Provident Fund)


7.9% Rate of Interest per annum to AP GPF (General Provident Fund)

7.9% Rate of Interest per annum to AP GPF (General Provident Fund): Present AP GPF Interest rate in AP, GPF General Provident Fund Rate of Interest 7.9% per annum. GPF Rate of Interest AP GO.Rt.No.1171 delivered on 17-05-2017 for General Provident Fund Rate of Interest 7.9% per annum: AP Government has received the pace of revenue as 7.9% per annum w.e.f 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017 during the year on the underneath referenced Provident Funds and other comparable assets kept up with by the Government of Andhra Pradesh comparable to paces of Government of India.

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AP GPF Interest Rate: GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH; Provident Fund-Interest rates on General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) for the supporters of GPF and other comparable assets as 7.9% (Seven point nine percent) per annum with impact from 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017 for the year 2017-18 – Orders Issued.

Money (HR-5-Pension, GPF) Department

G.O.RT.No. 1171; Dated: 17-05-2017.

7.9% Rate of Interest per annum to AP GPF (General Provident Fund)

Peruse the accompanying:

1.        G.O.Rt.No.2142, Finance (Pen.II) Department, dated 30.04.2013.

2.        G.O.Rt.No. 1638, Finance (HR-5-Pension,GPF) Department, dated 27.06.2016

3.        G.O.Rt.No.72,Finance(HR-5-Pension,GPF)Department, dated 16.01.2017

4.        G.O.Rt.No.318,Finance(HR.5 Pension, GPF)Department dt.22.2.2017

5.        GOI, Resolution No.F.No.5(1)- B(PD)/2017, Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division), dt.18.4.2017

6.        From PAG(A&E) letter No.F.M./Gl.II/9-3/2017-18/110, dated 20.04.2017.

Request: According to Rule 13(1) of General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) Rules 1935, Government will pay to the credit of the record of an endorser premium at such rate as still up in the air for every year as indicated by the strategy for computation recommended occasionally by Government of India for installment of premium on membership to the General fortunate Fund in regard of Central Services.

In the G.O.4th read over, the State Government have embraced the financing cost of 8% per annum with impact from 01.01.2017 to 31.03.2017, as requested by the Government of India.

In the reference fifth read over, the Government of India through its goal No.F.No.5(1)- B(PD)/2017, dated 18.04.2017 declared the premium for the supporters of General Provident Fund (Central Services) at 7.9 % per annum for the period from 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017 during the year 2017-18. 

Government after cautious assessment of the matter, thusly request to embrace and update the pace of revenue as 7.9 % per annum for the period from 01.04.2017 to 30.06.2017 during the year 2017-18 on the accompanying Provident Funds and other comparable assets kept up with by the Government of Andhra Pradesh comparable to paces of Government of India. 

AP GPF Rate of Interest per annum 

AP GPF Rate of Interest 7.9% per annum:

GPF/General Provident Fund Rate of Interest 8% per annum for 2016-2017: GPF Rate of Interest GO.Rt.No.72, Dt.16.01.2017, General Provident Fund Rate of Interest 8% per annum. AP GPF Interest Rate for 2016-2017: AP Government has embraced the pace of revenue as 8.0% per annum w.e.f 01.10.2016 to 31.12.2016 during the year 2016-17 on the beneath referenced Provident Funds and other comparative assets kept up with by the Government of Andhra Pradesh comparable to paces of Government of India.

AP GPF Interest Rate: 

Administration OF ANDHRA PRADESH: Provident Fund-General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh)- Rate of revenue for the endorsers of GPF and other comparable assets as 8.0% (Eight point one percent) per annum with impact from 01.10.2016 to 31.12.2016 for the year 2016-17-Issued.

Money (HR-5-Pension, GPF) DEPARTMENT

G.O.RT.No. 72 Dated: 16-01-2017.

7.9% Rate of Interest per annum to AP GPF (General Provident Fund)

Peruse the accompanying:

1.        G.O.Rt.No.2142,Finance(Pen.II)Department, dated 30.04.2013

2.        G.O.Rt.No. 1638, Finance(HR-5-Pension,GPF) Department, dated 27.06.2016

3.        GOI, Resolution No.F.No.5(1)- B(PD)/2016,Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division),dt.30.06.2016 

4.        GOI, Resolution No.F.No.5(1)- B(PD)/2016,Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division),dt.30.10.2016

5.        Lr.No.FM/Gl.II/9-3/2016-17/3357 of O/o the Prl.Accountnat General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, Dt: 22.12.2016. 

Request: According to Rule 13(1) of General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) Rules 1935, Government will pay to the credit of the record of a supporter premium at such rate as not really settled for every year as indicated by the strategy for computation recommended now and again by the Government of India for installment of premium on membership to the General opportune Fund in regard of Central Services.

In the G.O.2nd read over, the State Government have received the loan cost of 8.1% per annum with impact from 01.04.2016 to 30.06.2016 as requested by the Government of India. 

In the reference third read above, GOI educated that the premium at the pace of 8.1% will be in power w.e.f. 1.7.2016 to 30.9.2016. As such the pace of revenue as 8.1% arranged in GO second read above will proceed w.e.f. 1.7.2016 to 30.9.2016.

In the reference fourth read over, the Government of India through its goal No. F.No.5(1)- B(PD)/2016, Dt: 03.10.2016 fixed the paces of revenue for the supporters of General Provident Fund(Central Services) at 8% per annum for the period from 01.10.2016 to 31.12.2016 during the year 2016-17.

The Deputy Accountant General (Funds), in his letter fifth read above has mentioned to give essential Government Orders properly reexamining the paces of interest on GPF and other comparable assets and so on, kept up with in the State for the year 2016-17.

Government after cautious assessment of the matter, thusly receive the pace of revenue as 8.0% per annum w.e.f 01.10.2016 to 31.12.2016 during the year 2016-17 on the accompanying Provident Funds and other comparable assets kept up with by the Government of Andhra Pradesh comparable to paces of Government of India.

The General Provident Fund (Andhra Pradesh) Rules 1935

The Electricity Department Provident Fund Rules.

Crisis Cut and Compulsory Saving Rules, 1949.

Government Distilleries Employees Provident Fund

Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund.

Andhra Pradesh Employees Welfare Fund Rules.

Ø  >>>7.9% Rate of Interest  per annum to GPF Fund<<<



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ApTeachers9: 7.9% _Rate_of_Interest_per_annum_to_AP_GPF_(General Provident Fund)
7.9% _Rate_of_Interest_per_annum_to_AP_GPF_(General Provident Fund)
7.9% Rate of Interest per annum to AP GPF (General Provident Fund): Present AP GPF Interest rate in AP, GPF General Provident Fund Rate of Interest 7.
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