Live program of "From the desk of Principal Secretary" through the IFP Panels & Smart TV's in the Schools on 02.04.2024 at 11:00 AM
School Education Department Live program of "From the desk of Principal Secretary" through the IFP Panels & Smart TV's in the Schools on 02.04.2024 at 11:00 AM Certain Instructions Issued Regarding.
Ref: Verbal instruction of the District Educational Officer, YSR District, Kadapa.
It is to inform that there will be a change in the format of the program titled "From the Desk of the Principal Secretary." This time, the program will be interactive.. After the Principal Secretary address, a phone number will be provided for both teaching and non-teaching staff of the Education Department to ask any questions.
In this regard all the Head Masters of the Schools in the district are instructed to arrange proper internet connection to the IFP panes & Smart TV's to enable the live program. All teaching and non-teaching staff members of school level are instructed to attend this program along with students. The event should be viewed live through interactive flat panels and smart TVs that have been installed in schools. The program will be broadcast live on all channels of the School Education Department.
To submit questions, staff members can send the questions via WhatsApp to a specific number that will be shared on the day of the program. A report will be generated from a central command center to check how many interactive flat panels and smart TVs were connected live during the program.
Teachers may be grouped in schools and watch the program with students from different classrooms to ensure that every interactive flat panel is connected. The program is scheduled for April 2nd (Tuesday) at 11 am.
The topics will be covered in the meetings as follows:
a) The completion of the syllabus and correcting of students notes for those studying from classes 1-9, considering that final assessments (Exams) will begin on April 6th (Saturday).
b) Raising awareness among students and teachers that TOEFL teachers from the best high schools and primary schools (@ two teachers per district) will be selected for a week-long exposure program in Princeton, USA.
c) The maintenance of assets created under the Nadu Nedu program.
d) The use of interactive flat panels, tablets, and smart TVs.
Further, instructed that to distribute the report cards of students in classes 1-9 after the final exams to their parents on April 23rd, Tuesday by organizing a parent- teacher meeting. On the 23rd, our Hon'ble Principal Secretary of School Education would like to interact with the parents along with the teachers through live broadcasting on the department's channels, with parents viewing the program through IFPs and smart TVs and posing questions via WhatsApp.
In view of the above, all the Deputy Educational officers & the Mandal Educational Officer I & II are instructed to supervise the program and ensure all the IFP panles & Smart TV's in the schools (Where supplied and installed) are connected with the live program and all the staff members along with students attend the program.
Top priority should be given to this item of work. These instructions must be followed scrupulously; If any slackness on this issue the Headmasters & Mandal Educational Officers concerned are personally held responsible.