AP Contract Employees Service Regularization Govt Orders GO 114, 2023


 AP Contract Employees Service Regularization Orders GO 114

AP Contract Employees Service Regularization Orders GO 114 Guidelines for Regularization of the services of Contract Personnel - Orders. Issued AP Contract Employees Service Regularization orders GO 114  FINANCE (HR-1 Plg. & Policy) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No:114. Dated: 21.10.2023  Read the following:-  1. G.O.RL.No.1567,General Administration (Cabinet-1) Dept., Dt:10.07.2019.  2. G.O.RL.No.2657.General Administration (Cabinet-1) Dept., Dt:26.11.2019.  3. G.O.Rt.No.2740, General Administration (Cabinet-1) Dept., Dt:04.12.2019.  4. Andhra Pradesh Regularization

AP Contract Employees Service Regularization Orders GO 114 Guidelines for Regularization of the services of Contract Personnel - Orders. Issued AP Contract Employees Service Regularization orders GO 114

FINANCE (HR-1 Plg. & Policy) DEPARTMENT G.O.Ms.No:114. Dated: 21.10.2023

Read the following:-

1. G.O.RL.No.1567,General Administration (Cabinet-1) Dept., Dt:10.07.2019.

2. G.O.RL.No.2657.General Administration (Cabinet-1) Dept., Dt:26.11.2019.

3. G.O.Rt.No.2740, General Administration (Cabinet-1) Dept., Dt:04.12.2019.

4. Andhra Pradesh Regularization of Services of Contract Employees Act, 2023 (Act 30 of 2023).


Government has been engaging personnel on contract basis in Government Departments under the control of the State Government in different cadre to meet the short term manpower requirement and effective delivery of services to the citizens. The services of the contract personnel is being extended from time to time based on the requirement. Most of the contract personnel have been working over a long period of time against the sanctioned posts and there is a request from the contract persons and various Employees Associations to consider their services for regularization in view of their long service rendered and experience acquired.

In the above context the Government have constituted Group of Ministers (GoM) vide reference 1" read above to study the matter of regularization of services of the contract personnel working in Government Departments and furnish its recommendations to the Government.

In the reference 2 cited, a Working Committee headed by the Chief Secretary to the Govt, consisting of other Secretaries as members was constituted based on the recommendations of Group of Ministers (GoM) to examine the matter of regularization of services of the contract persons working in Government Departments. The Working Committee after a detailed deliberations on various implications including financial, legal and operational aspects of regularization of contract persons submitted its report to the Government.

Government after careful examination of the entire matter and keeping the welfare of the contract persons have decided to regularize the services of the contract persons appointed as on 2 June 2014 in Government Departments and continuing till date. subject to fulfilling the following conditions

1. Regularization shall be applicable to the persons appointed on contract basis in the Government Departments only. The persons working on contract basis in Schemes/Projects shall not be considered for regularization.

2. The persons should have been appointed on contract basis as on 2nd, June 2014 and should be continuing as on the date of the commencement of Andhra Pradesh Regularization of Services of Contract Employees Act, 2023 i.e., 20th, October 2023.

3. The contract appointments should have been made on full time basis only. The appointments made on Part-time, Hourly, Guest Basis, etc., shall not be considered for the purpose of regularisation.

4. The contract appointments should have been made against substantive vacancies of permanent sanctioned posts with the concurrence of Finance Department under the provisions of Andhra Pradesh Regularization of Services of Contract Employees Act, 2023. Provided that such persons appointed on contract basis if discontinued temporarily in vacation Departments shall also be entitled for regularization subject to fulfilling all other conditions prescribed in the said Act.

5. The regularisation of a person appointed on contract basis shall be considered only if his initial appointment was in due compliance with the procedure relating to:

Notification of Vacancies

Selection Process

Rule of reservation

Eligibility, Age & Educational Qualifications prescribed for the post.

6. The regularisation shall be only against clear vacancies existing as on 2nd, June 2014 after duly excluding the vacancies already notified by the recruitment bodies such as Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC), Andhra Pradesh State Level Police Recruitment Board (APSLPRB) etc.,

7. Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, the regularization shall be with prospective effect only i.e., with effect from the date of issue of orders of regularization. The period of service rendered on contract basis shall not be counted for any service benefits.

8. The persons so regularized shall be governed by the provisions of the National Pension System (NPS) as adopted by the Government and with prospective effect only.

All the Departments of Secretariat/Heads of Departments are requested to examine the cases of regularization of services of the eligible contract persons at their level with reference to the above conditions duly certified by the HoD and Secretary concerned along with all supportive copies for scrutiny and clearance of Government in Finance (HR.I-Pig- &Policy) Department for issue of orders for regularization of services.

The detailed implementation/operational guidelines will be issued separately.

Download G.O.Ms.No:114. Dated: 21.10.2023



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ApTeachers9: AP Contract Employees Service Regularization Govt Orders GO 114, 2023
AP Contract Employees Service Regularization Govt Orders GO 114, 2023
AP Contract Employees Service Regularization Orders GO 114 Guidelines for Regularization of the services of Contract Personnel - Orders. Issued AP Con
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