DoWR Recruitment 2023
The Department of Water Resources, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation officials released a job advertisement for the posts of National Dam Safety Authority in its HQs at New Delhi and its Regional Offices located at Chandigarh, Pune, Chennai, and Guwahati on a deputation basis. And the post names under the DoWR Recruitment 2023 Notification are Director, Deputy Director, and Assistant Director. The closing date for the DoWR Application Form submission is mentioned as 45 days from the date of publication of the advertisement. The direct links for the DoWR Recruitment 2023 Notification PDF along with the DoWR Application Form have been incorporated below.
DoWR Recruitment 2023 Notification
The eligible officers of Central Water Engineering Service may submit their DoWR Application Form 2023 in the prescribed format as attached below (in triplicate) through the proper channel as given in the important links table along with the cadre clearance certificate of the employer/ cadre controlling authority, vigilance clearance, integrity certificate, penalty details and copies of APAR of the last five years.
DoWR Recruitment 2023 Notification – Overview
Organization Name :Department of Water Resources, River Development, and Ganga Rejuvenation
Post Name :Director, Deputy Director, Assistant Director
No.of Posts :65 Posts
Application Starting Date :Started
Application Closing Date :45 days from the date of publication of the advertisement
Category :Central Government Jobs
Mode of Application :Offline
Official Website
DoWR Vacancies 2023
Name of the Post Post Count
Director 10
Deputy Director 25
Assistant Director 30
DoWR Recruitment 2023 – Qualifications & Experience
(a) (i) holding analogous posts on a regular basis in the I parent cadre/ department/ organization OR
(ii) who have rendered five years’ service in level 12 (Rs I 78,800-2,09,200/-) including service rendered in Non-Functional Selection Grade in the parent I cadre/ department/ organization OR
(iii) with ten years’ service in level 11 (Rs 67,700 – 2,08,700/-) rendered after appointment thereto, in the parent cadre/ department/ organization
(b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:
(i) Bachelor’s Degree in Civil/ Mechanical/ Structural Engineering/ Geotechnical/ Instrumentation Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university or institute;
(ii) Ten years rs working experience in the field of dam safety including dam design, hydro-mechanical engineering, hydrology, geo-technical investigation, instrumentation, dam rehabilitation, and construction/ operation/ maintenance of Dams.
Deputy Director:
(a) (i) holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre/department organization OR
(ii) with five years of regular services in level 10 (Rs 56,100-1,77,500/-) rendered after appointment thereto, in the parent cadre/ department organization;
(b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:
(i) Bachelor’s Degree in Civil/ Mechanical/ Structural Engineering/ Geotechnical/ Instrumentation Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university or institute;
(ii) Possessing seven years of working experience in the field of dam safety including dam design, hydro-mechanical engineering, hydrology, geo-technical investigation,
instrumentation, dam rehabilitation, and construction/ operation/ maintenance of Dams.
Assistant Director:
(a) (i) holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre/ department/ organization OR
(ii) with five years of regular service in the posts of Assistant Director II or Sub Divisional Engineers in CWE (Group B) at pay level 7 (Rs 44,900-1,42,400), in the parent cadre/ department/ organization;
(b) possessing the following educational qualifications and experience:
(i) Bachelor’s Degree in Civil/ Mechanical/ Structural Engineering/ Geotechnical/ Instrumentation Engineering or equivalent from a recognized university or institute;
(ii) Possessing three years of working experience in the field of dam safety including dam design, hydro-mechanical engineering, hydrology, geo-technical investigation, instrumentation, dam rehabilitation, and construction/operation/maintenance of Dams.
DoWR Age Limit:
The maximum age limit for appointment on deputation shall not be exceeding fifty-six (56) years as of the closing date for receipt of applications.
DoWR Salary 2023:
Director: Level 13 (Rs. 1,23,100 To Rs. 2,15,900)
Deputy Director: Level 11 (Rs. 67,700 – Rs. 2,08,700)
Assistant Director: Level 10 (Rs. 56,100 – Rs. 1,77,500)
Address to submit the DoWR Application Form 2023
The Deputy Secretary, National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA), (DoWR, RD &GR), 2nd Floor, Sewa Shavan, R.K. Puram, New Delhi – 110066
Email ID :
Important Links: