LEARN A WORD A DAY today words list for level 1,2,3,4



28.10.2022 శుక్రవారం 

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

                Word:  Bored - బోరుడ్ - విసుగు

Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

                Word:  Own - ఓన్ - స్వంతం/తన

Usage: ★She owns a house.

★I own a car.

★I wanted my own bike.

★ Know your own mistakes.

★ I wrote examples on my own.

★Everybody should mind his/her own business.

Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

              Word:  Armed -  ఆర్మ్డ్ - సాయుధుడై

Usage:★ He was armed with a revolver.

★The little man was armed with a bow and arrows.

★They armed him with a rifle.

★ Armed rebels advanced towards the capital.

★The president is the Chief of the armed forces.

★The hijackers were armed with hand grenades.

Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

          Word:   Fascinate - ఫేసినేట్  - మనోహరమైన/ఆకర్షించే/మోహింపచేసే

Usage:★have always been fascinated by laptop and cellphone.

★Her paintings fascinated me.

★The children were fascinated by the film.

★ Snake fascinates it's prey.

★Switzerland is a very fascinating place with wonderful tourist spots.

★They are fascinated by stories.


27.10.2022 గురువారం 

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level : I

Classes : 1,2

Sick - జబ్బు చేయు

Usage - If you are sick visit the door

 Level : II

Classes : 3,4,5

Real - నిజమైన

Usage - is the story real ?

Level : III

Classes : 6,7,8

Wild - క్రూర/వన్య

Usage - Wild animals live in forest

 Level : IV

Classes : 9, 10

Enormous - అపారమైన


26.10.2022 బుధవారం 

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level : I* 

Classes : 1,2

Tired- టైర్డ్ - అలసట 

 *Level : II* 

Classes : 3,4,5

Date : 26.10.2022

Today's word : Various (వివిధ)

Spelling : V A R I O U S

Meaning : 

1. different from one another; of different kinds or sorts.

Phonetic Script : 

/ ˈveəriəs /

Other forms : 

Various - (Adj)

Various - (Pronoun)

Variety - Noun 

Variously - (Adv) 

Synonyms : diverse, different, varying, many

Antonyms : same, similar, alike, resembling

Examples : 

1. He has worked in various places.

2. ANR played various roles in movies.

3. He participated in various competitions held for school anniversary.

4. Shoes come in various sizes and colours.

5. The teacher gave various examples on the topic.

6. There were various reasons why he was away from school for these days.

 *Level : III* 

Classes : 6,7,8

Date : 26.10.2022

Today's word : Cold (చల్లని/శీతలం/సంతోషం లేని)

Spelling : C O L D 

Meaning : 

1. of or at a low or relatively low temperature, especially when compared with the human body.

2. lacking affection or warmth of feeling; unemotional.

Phonetic Script : / kəʊld /

Other forms : 

Cold - Colder - Coldest (Adj)

Cold - (Noun)

Coldly - (Adv)

Synonyms : freezing, icy, chilly, snowy, 

unfriendly, inhospitable

Antonyms : hot, warm, sweltering,  friendly

Examples : 

1. It is very cold outside.

2. She is suffering from cold.

3. She can't live in a cold climate.

4. The cold weather kept us indoors.

5. I didn't liker her cold attitude.

6. Her hands are very cold.

 *Level : IV* 

Classes : 9, 10

Date : 26.10.2022

Today's word : Unique ( ఏకైక/అపూర్వమైన) 

Spelling : U N I Q U E

Meaning : being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.

Phonetic Script : 

/ juːˈniːk /

Other forms : 

Unique - (Adj)

Uniqueness- (Noun)

Uniquely - (Adv)

Synonyms : 

Special, rare, uncommon, distinctive, strange, peculiar...

Antonyms :

Common, normal, regular, ordinary, usual, similar...

Examples : 

1. The sun is a unique object.

2. These flowers emit unique smell.

3. His signature is unique.

4. Everyone is unique in his/her own way.

5. She has got a unique opportunity.

6. The deal was quite unique.


25.10.2022 మంగళవారం 

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


*Level : I* 

Classes : 1,2

Angry- యాంగ్రీ- కోపం 

*Level : II* 

Classes : 3,4,5

Famous (ప్రసిద్ధి / కీర్థిగల/కీర్థికెక్కిన)

Spelling : F A M  O U S

Meaning : 

1. known about by many people.

Phonetic Script : 

/ ˈfeɪməs /

Other forms : 

Famous - more famous - most famous (Adj)

Fame - Noun 

Famously - (Adv) 

Synonyms : popular, wellknown, celebrated

Antonyms : unknown, unfamiliar, nameless

Examples : 

1. The city is famous for colleges.

2. Jr NTR is a famous star.

3. Chitra is a famous singer.

4. Thirupati is a famous temple town in AP.

5. He told us a famous story.

6. He dreamed of becoming a great cricketer.

 *Level : III* 

Classes : 6,7,8

Unkind (దయ లేని / ప్రేమలేని) 

Spelling : U N K I N D

Meaning : 

1. inconsiderate and harsh to others.

Phonetic Script : 

/ ʌnˈkaɪnd /

Other forms : 

Unkind - unkinder - unkindest (Adj)

Unkindness -  (Noun)

Unkindly - (Adverb)

Synonyms : unpleasant, disagreeable, nasty, harsh, cruel

Antonyms : kind, nice, helpful, pleasant, gentle

Examples : 

1. We should never be unkind to animals.

2. She never spoke unkind words.

3. Be kind even to unkind people.

4. The manager was unkind to his 

5. Hee was rather hurt by her unkind words.

6. Marcus has been very unkind to me today.

 *Level : IV* 

Classes : 9, 10 

Glad (సంతోషం/ఆనందంతో నిండిన) 

Spelling :  G - L - A - D

Meaning : 

1. feeling pleasure or happiness.

2. make happy; please.

Phonetic Script : 

/  ɡlæd /

Synonyms : happy, delighted, pleased, joyful

Antonyms : sad, depressing, unhappy, bitter 

Other forms :

Glad - gladder - gladdest (Adj)

Glad - gladded - gladded/gladden - gladding : (Verb)

Gladly - (Adv)

Gladness (Noun)

Examples : 

1. I am glad to hear the news.

2. Glad to meet you.

3. I am glad that my son has made good progress.

4. I am glad I got chance to participate in a state level competition.

5. He will be glad to hear the good news.

6. I'd be glad if you could help me.


22.10.2022 శనివారం.

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్



Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

       SAD       సాడ్      బాధ


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

 BEST   బెస్ట్   ఉత్తమమైన

All the very best.

Dhoni is the best wicket keeper in the world.

Be calm and do your best in the exams.


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

HARSH       హర్ష       కఠినమైన

He spoke some harsh words.

Please, don't speak harsh  words.


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

FINE   ఫైన్    మంచి / అపరాధ రుసుము

He paid fine for violating traffic rules.

He bought a fine carved antique.

Everything was going fine


21.10.2022 శుక్రవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

       HAPPY  హ్యాపీ  ఆనందం సంతోషం


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

KIND      కైన్డ్     దయ / రకం

She is kind to animals.

Kind words are worth much.


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

PROUD       ప్రౌడ్       గర్వం

 I am proud of my country.

She is the proud owner of a new house.


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

STILL    స్టిల్    ఇప్పటికీ/ కదలని

He is a still photographer.

She is still  cooking in kitchen.


Level : II

Classes : 3,4,5

Date : 20.10.2022

Today's word : Brave (ధైర్యం గల/ ధైర్యవంతుడు)

Spelling : B - R - A - V - E

Meaning : ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage.

"a brave soldier"

Phonetic Script : / breɪv /

Other forms : 

brave - braver - bravest (Adj)

Bravery - Noun

Bravely - Adverb

Brave - braved - braved (verb)

Synonyms : courageous, valiant, bold, intrepid

Antonyms : Coward, timid, afraid, weak.

Examples : 

1. He is a brave warrior.

2. She is brave and strong.

Level : III

Classes : 6,7,8

Date : 20.10.2022

Today's word : Skilled (నైపుణ్యం గల వాడు )

Spelling : S K I L L E D

Meaning : having or showing the knowledge, ability, or training to perform a certain activity or task well

Phonetic Script : / skɪld /

Other forms : 

Skill- Noun

Skilful - Adj

Skilful - more skilful- most skilful

Skilfully - Adv

Synonyms : talented, proficient, expert

Antonyms : unable, incompetent, unskilled, amateur

Examples : 

1. She is a skilled woman.

2. We give this job to a skilled person.

 Level : IV

Classes : 9,10

Date : 20.10.2022

 AFRAID (భయపడటం/బెడిరిపోవు)

Spelling : A F R A I D

Meaning : feeling fear or anxiety; frightened.

worried that something undesirable will occur or be done.

unwilling or reluctant to do something for fear of the consequences.

Phonetic Script : 

/ əˈfreɪd /

Other forms : 

Afraid : (Adjective)

Afraid - more afraid - most afraid

Synonyms : frightened, scared, fearful, nervous, petrified

Antonyms : brave, confident, fearless, unafraid

Examples : 

1. I am afraid of snakes.

2. He is afraid to make a speech.

3. My son is afraid of dark.

4. Parents are afraid of their children's future.

5. Please, don't be afraid. Be bold.

6. I am afraid that you have misunderstood the question.

3. We faced the danger bravely.

4. We admire him for his bravery.

5. They braved the snow storm.

6. You should be very brave to skydive.


19.10.2022 బుధవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

       PINK       పింక్      గులాబీ రంగు


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

BIG     బిగ్       (పెద్ద/గొప్ప)

Spelling : B - I - G

Meaning : of considerable size or extent.

Phonetic Script : / bɪɡ /

Other forms : 

big - bigger- biggest (Adj)

Big : Noun

Synonyms : large, great substantial, important

Antonyms : small, little, unimportant, slight, short

Examples : 

1. It's a big decision.

2. She gave a big smile.

3. The doll has big eyes.

4. Ours is a big street.

5. It was a big room.


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

CROOKED     క్రోక్డ్     (వంకరగా/పద్దతి లైన్/సూత్ర రహితంగా)

Spelling : C-R-O-O-K-E-D

Meaning : 

1. bent or twisted out of shape or out of place.

2. dishonest; illegal.

Phonetic Script : 

/ ˈkrʊkɪd /

Other forms : 

Crooked - more Crooked - most Crooked (Adj)

Crookedness 👎

Synonyms : bent, curved, twisted, criminal, illegal, dubious, nefarious

Antonyms : straight, honest, law-abiding

Examples : 

1. Drive slowly and carefully on crooked roads.

2. His teeth are crooked 

3. The bow man has a crooked  back.

4. She gave a crooked  grin.

5. Straight trees have crooked  roots.


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

RIGHT    రైట్ ( నిజమైన/సరియైన/కుడి)

Spelling : R - I - G - H - T

Meaning : 

1. morally good, justified, or acceptable.

2. true or correct as a fact.

3. a moral or legal entitlement to have or do something.

Phonetic Script : 

/ rʌɪt /

Synonyms : just, fair, equitable, accurate, absolute...etc

Antonyms : false improper, inaccurate, wrong ..etc

Other forms : 

Right, righteous (Adj)

Right - Righted - Righted, Righting (Verb)

I guessed right (Adv)

Right, Rightly  (Adv)

"she doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong" (Noun)

Right (Noun)

Righteousness (Noun)

Examples : 

1. She thinks that she is always right

2. Mr Raj is the right person for the job.

3. Take a right turn at the junction.

4. My stomach started right there in the meeting.

5. The teacher highlighted the right points in red. person for the job.


18.10.2022 మంగళవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)



Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)



Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)



Level-4(9th &10th Classes)



17.10.2022 సోమవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)


Level-II (3rd ,4th &5థ్ Classes)


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)


15.10.2022 శనివారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)


14.10.2022 శుక్రవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

  BLACK   బ్లాక్  నలుపు రంగు


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

ROUND     రౌండ్     గుండ్రని

No more so than the area round the house.


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

  TRUE    ట్రూ   సత్యము

You are true to your nature.


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

ACUTE   అక్యూట్   తీవ్రమైన

The branches grow at a more acute angle.


13.10.2022 గురువారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

  BLUE    బ్లూ  నీలం రంగు


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

FIRST      ఫస్ట్     మొదటి

It was the first money that he had ever had.


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

  FAMOUS    ఫేమస్    ప్రసిద్ధి

It is still a famous school.


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

VISIBLE   విజిబుల్   కనిపించే

Fires were visible on all sides.


12.10.2022 బుధవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

  ORANGE    ఆరెంజ్   ఆరంజి రంగు


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

LAST      లాస్ట్     చివరి 

The husband is always the last to know. 


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

  REAL    రియల్     నిజమైన

Real peace doesn't mean absence of war. 


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

ILLITERATE   ఇల్లిటరేట్   నిరక్షరాస్యత

You must be illiterate if you've never heard of Marx.


12.10.2022 మంగళవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

  YELLOW    ఎల్లో   పసుపు పచ్చ


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

BEAUTIFUL  బ్యూటిఫుల్     అందమైన

A beautiful valley lies behind the hill


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

  SICK    సిక్      అనారోగ్యం

Mom was sick and we needed a doctor. 


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

SICK    సిక్     అనారోగ్యం

He is sick


10.10.2022 సోమవారం

TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ్


Level-1(1st &2nd Classes)

  GREEN    గ్రీన్   ఆకుపచ్చ


Level-2(3rd,4th &5th Classes)

QUICK       క్విక్      త్వరగా

I think I'm a reasonably quick learnern


Level-3(6th,7th &8th Classes)

  ENOUGH    ఎనఫ్      చాలినంత

She had enough for the entire family


Level-4(9th &10th Classes)

PREVIOUS     క్విట్     మునుపటి

I'm a lot happier than I was in my previous job.

He has no previous convictions.

It was a surprisingly dry day after the rain of the previous week.




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LEARN A WORD A DAY LEARN A WORD A DAY today words list for level 1,2,3,4 ****************************** 25.10.2022 somavaram TODAY లెర్న్ ఏ వర్డ
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