The school MDM department has released the rules that Cook-Cum-Helpers should be appointed in the following manner in the school from 1st to 8th class.
Memo.No.1845679/MDM/2022 Dated:19/09/2022
Sub: School Education Dept., - PM POSHAN - Jagananna Gorumudda(Mid day M eal)- Cook-Cum-Helpers in Schools – Instructions – Reiterated - Regarding
Ref: 1. The Govt., of India guidelines vide Lr.F.No.1-1/2009-Desk(MDM), dated. 24. 11.2009. 2. G.O.Ms.No.117 School Education(Ser-II) Dept., Dt.10.06.2022. 3. G.O.Ms.No.128 School Education(Ser-II) Dept., Dt.13.07.2022.
The District Education Officers in the State are aware that Government of India issued guidelines in the reference 1 st read above wherein the norms were issued with regard to position of the Cook-Cum-Helpers along with food norm, cooking cost etc., prescribing the following norm for Classes I to VIII in Schools:
i. One Cook-Cum-Helper :: up to 25 students
ii. Two Cook-Cum-Helpers :: 26 to 100 students
iii. One additional Cook-Cum-Helper for every addition of upto 100 students.
Further informed that as per the National Policy of Education 2020, the State Government vide in the G.Os reference 2 nd and 3 rd read above, restructured the design of education as 5+3+3+4 and issued orders restructuring it as (i)Foundation Schools (PP1, PP2, 1 and 2 nd classes) (ii)Foundation Plus Schools (PP1, PP2, Class1 to 5) and (iii)Pre-High School (3 to 8) (iv)High Schools (3 to 8/3 to 10) duly re-apportioning the teaching staff under various managements. The exercise has been completed . In this exercise, the enrollment might have increased/decreased in certain schools, which DEOs are aware of
Therefore, all the District Education Officers in the State are hereby reminded to take necessary action to position the Cook-Cum-Helpers under Jagananna Gorumudda (Midday Meal Scheme) strictly as per the norms/guidelines of Government of India, New Delhi reference 1 st read above.
If any deviation in the above instructions, the concerned District Educational officers will be held responsible and hence, care is to be taken in positioning the Cook-Cum-Helpers based on children enrollment in schools mentioned above. The receipt of this order will be acknowledged.