TMF District Programme Co-Ordinator's, Data Entry Operator's Job chart
TMF District Programme Co-Ordinator's, Data Entry Operator's Job chart Toilet Maintenance Fund District Programme Co-Ordinator's, Data Entry Operator's Job chart School Education - School Sanitation - Toilet Maintenance Fund - District Programme Co-Ordinator's - Job chart
Memo No. ESEO2/ 27023 / 1 / 2022-MDM-CSE Dated: 17 -08-2022
Sub:- School Education - School Sanitation - Toilet Maintenance Fund - District Programme Co-Ordinator's - Job chart - Regarding.
1. G.O.Ms.No.22 School Education (Prog-1) Dept, Dt. 12-03-2021.
2. This office Memo No. 27023/1/2020-MDM-CSE , Dt. 03-06- 2021 , 05-08-2021
3. This office Memo No. ESE02/27021/50/MDM-SS, Dt.04-05-2022.
The attention of the District Educational Officers are invited to the reference 1st read above, wherein the District Educational Officers have been permitted to engage personnel at District Office under Toilet Maintenance Fund for effectively monitoring and attending to all the works related to School sanitation .Accordingly in the reference 2nd and 3rd read above, the District Educational Officers have been permitted to engage the (i) District Programme Co-Ordinator and (ii) Data Entry Operator under Toilet Maintenance Fund (TMF). Many of the District Educational Officers have engaged the personnel.
Toilet Maintenance Activities are in priority item of the Government of Andhra Pradesh on par with the Jaganana Gorumuddha (Midday Meal Scheme). The District Programme Co-Ordinator and Data Entry Operators are engaged primarily to attend to all the duties related to School sanitation & Toilet Maintenance Activities, and to assist the District Educational Officer and the Assistant Director (Schemes) in the districts.
The day-to-day work and monitoring activities / Job chart of the TMF District Programme Co-Ordinator and the Data Entry Operator are issued hereunder:
District Programme Co-Ordinator :
shall attend to and assist the District Education Officer/ Assistant Director (Schemes) in all the activities of TMF
shall Prepare general detailed Notes / PPTs,/ Collect and Maintain Photos of TMF events/ Paper Clippings etc.,
Shall regularly monitor the (i) engaging Ayahs as and when vacancy arise in schools in Co-ordination with the respective Mandal Educational Officers, and update the data from time to time and shall maintain data with all details.
Shall obtain every month Ayahs particulars i.e., Attendance, Bank accounts and other details, rectify the data from time to time and submit data on prescribed formats to DEO / HoD before 5th of every succeeding month and regularly monitor payments of pending / regular Honorarium to Ayahs under TMF and ensure regular payments,
shall monitor TMF and Analyze the Dash Board reports of IMMS App (i) Ayah registration/ (ii) attendance (iii) status of capturing of Toilet photos on daily basis and take immediate necessary steps
shall prepare data base of schools where there are no toilets / no network etc.,
Analyze the Inspection status TMF by various Officials (Dy.Eo/DVEOs/AD ( Schemes)/ MEO/WEANVVVDS/EWS/ Parent Committees etc., and submit periodical reports to DEO
shall review the TMF activities with Dy. Eos/ H MEOs / HMs etc., on daily basis and ensure proper functioning of TMF activities and ensure that all Head Masters to capture Toilet Photos through IMMS App on daily basis
Shall examine the tickets raised in App and monitor with the concerned for resolving the issues.
J) Shall regularly monitor the Toll Free No.14417 and process for rectification to address the grievances I issues I rectifications, and submit report to the District Education Officer I Assistant Director (Schemes)
shall attend and dispose all "Spandana "grievances pertaining to TMF and other issues with in time, with the approval of DEO
I) Shall attend to all TCs / VCs and other meetings on TMF, conducted by the Director I DEO and other Officers.
shall Coordinate / Correspondence with Treasury/ CFMS/ Bank etc.,
shall maintain all necessary Registers/ records / Cash Book/ Accounts relating to all components under TMF. shall attend Audit and other related matters / LAQs/LCQs/ Court Cases etc.,
shall take steps to issue Rejoinders to adverse news items in respect of TMF.
shall monitor the supply and distribution of TMF martial (Chemicals/ Tools/ Accessories/ Other material etc) to Mandal Points and from Mandal Points to school points from time to time.
Shall obtain confirmation of supplies from Mandal Point's, consolidate and submit to the Hod.
shall ensure convergence and coordination between various stakeholders and departmental officers,
shall maintain all Registers/ records / Cash Book/Accounts relating to all components under TMF. and TMF related activities
Shall attend to the matters related to Community Mobilization / NGOs in the activities of TMF
Shall report all the activities I work done to the District Education Officer I Assistant Director (MDM) regularly on daily basis.
Shall attend to Office as per Office timings on all working Days.
Shall undertake visits, if necessary, with the prior permission of the District Education Officer.
Shall attend any other works entrusted from time-to-time by the Director, MDM& SS, District Educational Officer and Assistant Director (MDM & SS).
Data Entry Operator
shall attend to and assist the District Education Officer/ Assistant Director (Schemes) in all the activities of TMF
Shall attend all matters related to IT & ICT of TMF in the district
Shall monitor MIS Reports/ entries and Dash Board Monitoring/ IMMS APP /Analytical reports etc.,
shall monitor TMF and Analyse the Dash Board reports of IMMS App regarding (i) Ayah registration (ii) attendance (iii) status of capturing of photos on dailybasis and submit report to the District Education Officer / Assistant Director (Schemes), Co-Ordinator for rectification
Official Communication through E-Mails, receiving mails etc.,
shall prepare data base i.e., list of schools where there are no toilets / no network etc ,
Shall attend the data entry / typing of reports/ letters /correspondence./ Preparation of PPTs etc.,
Shall report all the activities / work done to the District Education Officer / Assistant Director (Schemes) regularly on daily basis.
Shall attend to Office as per Office timings on all working Days.
Shall attend any other works entrusted from time-to-time by the Director, MDM& SS, District Educational Officer and Assistant Director (Schemes).
The above instructions shall be followed scrupulously.