Philately scholarship Scheme Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana" for the year 2022-23- Certain Instructions
Memo No.67/A&1/2022
Sub: School Education Philately scholarship Scheme Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana" for the year 2022-23- Certain Instructions - Issued - Regarding. Ref:-1) Lr.No.APCO/Phil/MPR/22-23 dated: 19.07.2022 of the Assistant Director of postal Services, Vijayawada - 13.
while enclosing a copy of the letter and its enclosures in the reference cited, wherein the Assistant Director of postal Services, Vijayawada - 13 has informed that the Department of Posts, Government of India has launched a philately scholarship scheme "Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana". This scholarship scheme is intended for the promotion of aptitude and research in stamps as a hobby in students. Under this scheme students of classes VI to IX who have good academic record and pursuing philately as a hobby will be awarded scholarship of Rs.6000/- per annum based on the marks scored in the philately project.
Further, a copy of the notification dated 22.06.2022 and application form issued by postal department inviting applications from the students of class VI to IX is communicated herewith. The last date for the submission of application is 26.08.2022, and also requested to circulate the Scholarship scheme and the notification among all the schools in the state so as to enable the eligible students to apply for the scholarship.
Therefore, all the Regional Join Directors of School Education and the District Educational in the state are requested to take necessary action in the matter duly circulating the Scholarship scheme and the notification to all schools under their jurisdiction so as to enable the eligible students to apply for the scholarship.