Work Adjustment to AP Teachers Within or Nearby Mandal
Work Adjustment to AP Teachers Within or Nearby Mandal: Work Adjustment of AP Teachers, Further Guidelines on Work Adjustment of AP Teachers, Work Adjustment ought to be done inside or close by Mandals, Administration of Andhra Pradesh, School Education Department has given a significant Memo.11925 on October 30th, 2014 for Rationalization of schools/posts under different administration i.e., Governmentt/Zilla Parishad/Mandal Parishad Schools in Andhra Pradesh. In this with respect to specific directions has been given on Transfers Guidelines.
According to Memo.No.11925/Ser-II/A2/2014, Dated 30.10.2014 AP government has given requests for additional Guidelines on Work Adjustment of Teachers/Rationalization in Andhra Pradesh. As a piece of the Work Adjustment of Teachers, the excess Teachers work change would be taken up in the within the mandal or in close by mandals.In this subject The Government has coordinated to the Commissioner and Director of School Education to lead work change inside mandal or Nearby Mandal. This is a major help for surplus instructors.
1. GO.Ms.No.33, Education Department, Dated: 02-5-2013.
2. GO.MS.NO.175, Finance Department, Dated: 19-8-2014.
3. From the C&DSE, AP, Hyd., Lr.Rc.No.25/Estt-2-1/2014, Dated:07-07-2014.
4. From the C&DSE, AP, Hyd., Lr.Rc.No.633/Estt/ - III/2014, Dated: 10-9-2014 and 19-9-2014
5. Govt Memo.No,11925/SE-Ser-II/A2/2014, Dated 18-09-2014
Work Adjustment inside or Nearby Mandal:
The consideration of Commissioner and Director of School Education is welcome to the references refered to, and their recommendations vide reference 4) refered to give rules to moves because of the lifting of boycott via taking defense practice and later exchanges, has been painstakingly analyzed where on Government saw that since it is center of the scholarly year,
consequently the proposed defense prior to affecting exchange will be taken up during April/May 2015 and preceding enlistment of DSC which at any point is prior.
Considering the above choice, the Commissioner and Director of School Education Hyderbad is mentioned to take up just working courses of action inside the Mandal or close by mandals with surplus instructors as of now and resubmit justification/move proposition according to above choice.