Promotion fixation Software for Teachers
Promotion fixation Software for Teachers : Promotion FR 22b software Prepared by C.Ramanjaneyulu Sir, LP/ Language Pandits pay fixation on
promotion for central govt. employees, PET Promotion Fixation Bill software,
pay fixation on promotion under fr 22 b, teachers promotion fixation software
AP, Teachers pay fixation on promotion proceedings Download. AP Teachers
Promotion fixation software as per PRC 2015 , TS Teachers promotion fixation
software , FR 22(a) i , FR 22B , Promotion One Increment fixation , Promotion
Two Increments fixation, Promotion GOs and SA / HM Promotion Proceeding
Teachers Promotion fixation Software for SGT, LP Telugu Pandits,SA brief Information , G.O’s and Software for SA / HM Promotion.
Promotion fixation Software for SGT,
LP Telugu Pandits, SA brief Information , Promotion FR22a( i), FR22B, One
Increment, Two Increment Sanction G.O’s.
Fixation of Pay on Promotion higher post:
Clause (a) (1) of FR 22 (I) deals
with fixation of pay of a government servant holding a non-tenure post on his
appointment to another post involving assumption of higher duties and
responsibilities. Such appointment may be in the normal channel of promotion or
otherwise, provided the appointment or promotion is made on fulfillment of the
eligibility conditions, as prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules.
Initial pay in the time-scale of the
higher post is fixed at the stage next above the notional pay arrived at by
increasing his pay in respect of the lower post held by him regularly by an
increment at the stage at which such pay has accrued, or Rs.100/- only
whichever is more.
Promotion fixation software can be use for four types :
1. Pay fixation arrears from
promotion date under FR 22 a1 (option given to increment date)
2. Re-Pay fixation arrears from normal increment date under FR22 B (option
given to increment date)
3. Pay fixation arrears from promotion date (Direct FR 22B)/(option given to
promotion date)
4. Initial pay fixation arrears from promotion date
(a) A government servant drawing pay of Rs. 7075/- w.e.f. 01.04.1996 in the pay scale of Rs. 5500-175-9000 is promoted on 01.09.2015 to a post in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500.
Model Pay fixation as given below:
Notional Pay = Rs. 7075
Add one notional increment = Rs. 175
Notional Pay = Rs. 7250
The stage above this pay in the
higher pay-scale is Rs. 7300/-.
Thus the pay is fixed at Rs. 7300/-
Date of next increment =
(b) A government servant drawing pay
of Rs. 2660/- in the pay scale of Rs. 2550-55-2660-60-3200 w.e.f. 01.02.2015 is
promoted to a post in the pay scale of Rs. 2610-60-3150-65-3540 w.e.f.
Pay = Rs. 2660/-
Add one notional increment
(Minimum Rs. 100/-) = Rs. 2760/-
Pay fixed at Next higher stage
in the new pay-scale = Rs.
Date of Next Increment = 01.03.2015
Option for fixation of pay under
above rule from the date of next increment in the lower grade
A government servant is required to
exercise option within one month from the date of promotion/appointment, to
have the pay fixed under the above rule from the date of promotion itself or
from the date of accrual of next increment in the lower grade/post. In case he
opts for the above rule from the date of next increment, his pay on promotion
is fixed at a stage next above the pay in the lower grade/post. It is then re
fixed under the above formula from the date of accrual of next increment in the
lower grade/post. Thus in the illustration (a) above, in case the government
servant opts for pay fixation as per this rule from.
Date of next increment, his pay
shall be fixed as follows:
(a) On 01.09.2016 the pay of the
government servant will be fixed in the higher scale at a stage next above
Rs.7075/- i.e. Rs.7100/-
(b) On 01.04.1997 the pay will be re
fixed as follows:
Pay in the lower grade on 01.04.1997
= Rs.7250/-
Notional pay on adding one increment
of Rs.175/- = Rs.7425/-
Pay to be fixed at next higher stage
i.e. Rs.7500/-
Date of next increment =
>>>>Teachers Promotion fixation Software Download
Note: Above
information is given for reference only. For any changes to the above
information, you can visit the official website.