Clarification of Doubts of DDOs on CFMS Online Data Entry and Instructions to DDOs on CFMS DATA Entry through Memo.32708


Clarification of Doubts of DDOs on CFMS Online Data Entry and Instructions to DDOs
on CFMS DATA Entry through Memo.32708

Clarification of Doubts of DDOs on CFMS Online Data Entry and Instructions to DDOs  on CFMS DATA Entry through Memo.32708: Employees No Need to Apply for Health Cards in EHF Website separately. Govt has ordered through GO.334 to Enter the Employees Data for Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) in the Portal After Once the DDOs started Collecting the Data from their Employees in the given Forms at to enter the DATA Online they have experienced Problems in Online Data Entry, and reported Finance Dept about the Issues. Hence Govt have issued certain clarifications and Instructions to DDOs. And accordingly issued the Revised Schedule.Clarification of Doubts of DDOs on CFMS Online Data Entry and Instructions to DDOs  on CFMS DATA Entry through Memo.32708   what is ddos attack what is dos attack health insurance premium definition health insurance monthly premium how to calculate insurance premium types of premium in insurance what is a premium in car insurance health insurance premiums tax deductible health insurance premium vs deductible what is cobra insurance  ap health card download ap health card status login ap employees health card government health card download ehs health card status pensioner health card download pensioners health card andhra pradesh 7th pay commission salary slab 35400 pay scale in hand salary 7th pay scale chart 35400-112400 pay scale means level 6 pay scale in hand salary basic pay scale chart pay scale 7 salary what is pay scale in government job  how to apply ehs health card online how to apply health card online ap ehs card download govt employees health card hospital list pensioners health card andhra pradesh ehs health card download employee health scheme andhra pradesh pensioners health card online registration cashless health card top 5 cashless health insurance in india cashless health insurance plans for family cashless health insurance process government health card download ehs health card how to apply ehs health card online government health insurance card  ehs full form ehs login ehs ap ehs training ap ehs card download ehs health ehs company ehs health card health card login ehs health card status ehs health card ap health card ts ehs health card download ap health card download ap health card application form ap health card status health card login ap health card benefits ap ehs login ysr aarogyasri ysr aarogyasri status ysr aarogyasri card ysr aarogyasri login ysr aarogyasri card download ap aarogyasri card download ysr aarogyasri card status check ap ysr aarogyasri helpline number ysr aarogyasri hospitals list health card application form pdf health card application form download ysr health card application form pdf aarogyasri application form pdf aarogyasri card application form health card application form online ap aarogyasri card download aarogyasri card apply online ap ehs health card limit ap ehs diseases list pensioners health card andhra pradesh ap ehs hospitals list

Finance Department – Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) – implementation of HRMS Module and issue of Health Cards – Online submission of Employees’ data by the Drawing and Disbursing Officers through Web-based application on Finance Department Portal – Further Instructions - Issued.

Details of the Instructions Memo.32708 CFMS Instructions to DDOs:

In the reference read above, the Government has issued orders for collection of Employees data through a web-based application for implementation of HRMS Module under Comprehensive Financial Management System (CFMS) and issue of Health Cards. The Government also issued orders therein that all the Drawing and Disbursing Officers shall take necessary action to complete data entry as per the time frame fixed for various stages of data collection, verification and authentication and uploading of the data. Government has also issued detailed instructions to be followed by the DDOs and other functionaries in the annexure to the G.O. cited. In addition to the above a detailed User Manual has been kept on the website for the benefit of the DDOs. A helpline service has also been launched for immediate help to the DDOs. 

A large number of DDOs have brought to the notice of the Government certain issues requesting for clarification. Some of the DDOs have pointed out that due to technical difficulties they could not complete the DDO registration process and consequently they could not distribute the forms to the employees and therefore requested for extension of time. 

Some DDOs have pointed out certain technical difficulties in entering the data in some fields and requested for simplification. 

Some DDOs have brought it to the notice of this department that they are unable to rectify certain mistakes that have been entered during the DDO registration and entry of office details and the total number of employees of various categories of employees, as they are not given permission to edit the entries already made and they have sent several requests for making changes in the data through the helpline. 

Clarifications and Instructions for DDOs on Filling the CFMS Employee Online DATA:

The request of the DDOs for extension of time has been agreed to and accordingly revised the schedule as follows :

The DDOs have since been given permission to edit the data till final submission and they can make changes wherever necessary. But after the data is finally submitted, the DDOs will not be able to make any further changes. Hence they are advised to ensure, before they finally submit the data, that the data entered is correct. 

The DDOs shall not allow any unauthorised use of their DDO codes by anyone and they shall not share the PIN number sent to their Mobile Phone or the password. They are advised to change their password frequently following the procedure provided in the application. Appropriate disciplinary action shall be taken by the disciplinary authorities against those employees who make unauthorised use of DDO codes and the passwords. 

As the data entry is to be done only by the DDOs, under any circumstances the DDO should not allow individual employees to enter their own data using the DDO code and the password of the DDOs. For any misuse of the DDO Code or password or entry of incorrect data the DDOs will be personally held responsible and liable for disciplinary action under CCA Rules and also for criminal prosecution for any tampering of important information, specially data relating to the date of birth, date of initial entry into service, details of the local unit as per the presidential order, wrongful entries in the community status as SC or ST etc., Disciplinary action and or Criminal Prosecution will be launched against those employees who willfully provide wrong data on the above mentioned items. 

The DDO shall enter the data of family members and the dependents of the employees for the purpose of the Health Cards only on the CFMS application on Finance Department Portal. However, in case if any employee has already entered his data online through the Arogyasri Portal he shall fill data of all other items except the details of the family members and dependents on CFMS application. The pensioners data shall be uploaded only on the Arogyasri Portal. 

All DDOs are advised to follow the above instructions scrupulously and take necessary action to enter the data only after due verification and avoid erroneous data entry. The data entry has to be completed as per the revised schedule mentioned above. 

 The Heads of departments are requested to monitor the progress of the data entry in all the offices under their control. 

The district collectors are requested to review the progress of all the unit offices in the district and issue necessary instruction for completion of data uploading as per the time schedule. 

The Pay and Accounts Officer, Hyderabad, All the Treasury Officers and all the Pay and Accounts Officers of the Works Accounts Department shall liaise with the DDOs under their payment jurisdiction and render necessary assistance to them and see that the data is entered within the due dates. 

>>>>>>Download Memo.32708 Instructions to DDOs on CFMS Online DATA<<<<<<



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ApTeachers9: Clarification of Doubts of DDOs on CFMS Online Data Entry and Instructions to DDOs on CFMS DATA Entry through Memo.32708
Clarification of Doubts of DDOs on CFMS Online Data Entry and Instructions to DDOs on CFMS DATA Entry through Memo.32708
Clarification of Doubts of DDOs on CFMS Online Data Entry and Instructions to DDOs on CFMS DATA Entry through Memo.32708: Employees No Need to Apply
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