R.C.No:25 AP Teachers/Posts/Schools Rationalization
R.C.No:25 AP Teachers/Posts/Schools Rationalization : AP Instructors/Posts/Schools Justification: Andhra Pradesh State government provided rules and standards for building up Adarsha Paradhamika Paatasala (Model Elementary School) in each gram panchayat/region in the State. AP School Training Office has given further guidelines on "AP Instructors/Posts/Schools Legitimization – Asset Rearrangement" and this procedures rc.52 subtleties as follows.
RC 25 Asset Rearrangement Justification of Educators/Posts/Schools in A.P. Procedures of the Official of School Instruction, AP, Hyderabad
R.C.No. 25/Estt-3/2015 Dated: 08-08-2015
School Training – Asset Reallocation Defense of Educators/Posts/Schools – Elementary Schools – Government Orders – gave Further Guidelines In regards to.
R.C.No:25 AP Teachers/Posts/Schools Rationalization:
1.This office Proc.Rc.No.25/Estt-3/2015 dated: 06.06.2015
2.G.O. Ms. No.39 Edn dated: 07.08.2015 to G.O. Ms. N0.51,Edn dated: 07.08.2015 (Relating to separate regions)
3.CSE Proc. R.C.No. 25/Estt-3/2015 Dated: 07-08-2015
1. All the Local Joint Heads of School Training and the Region Instructive Officials in the state are educated that, directions were given in the reference first read above to take up fundamental exercise of Asset Reallocation – Justification.
2. After comprising a Mandal Level Board of trustees, properly confirming the actual status, accessibility of instructors and enrolment of understudies in each school and in every Gram Panchayat/Region the plausibility for Positive Solidification of Grade Schools and recognizable proof of Model Elementary Schools practice was to be finished.
3. The Area Instructive Officials outfitted the subtleties of the schools for Foundation of Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala (Model Grade Schools) and the schools for Positive Union. The equivalent was sent to the Public authority.
4. In the reference second read over the Government provided orders for Foundation of Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala and Positive Solidification of Schools and the equivalent was conveyed in the reference third read previously.
5. It is brought to the notification of the Official of School Instruction that in certain locale, grade schools with in excess of 30 enrolment inside one kilometer are recognized for positive combination with under 30 enrolment without support.
In this way, every one of the Local Joint Chiefs and Region Instructive Officials in the State are told to, AP Instructors/Posts/Schools Justification
(A) By and by re-confirm the prior practice embraced by them as per the standards arraigned in the GO alluded previously. If it's not too much trouble, guarantee that elementary schools with in excess of 30 enrolment and inside one kilometer ought not be remembered for such certain combination work out, until and except if the public solicitation for the equivalent, explicitly.
(B) In case there is any open portrayal concerning any of the recognized/proposed Foundation of Adarsha Pradhamika Paatasala and Positive Solidification of Schools, such schools might be kept in cessation for additional assessment.
(C) If any adjustment is needed to the rundown of schools recognized and submitted before, the equivalent might be outfitted prior to 10.08.2015 with appropriate support on each school, to empower the Public authority to give amended requests.
(D) in
the event of any remaining schools endorsed in the GO and where there are no
deviation of standards, the sets of the Public authority ought to be executed
and included for the following exchange advising.
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Dated: 08-08-2015 from here<<<<<<<