Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2021:India’s largest Online Science Talent Search Exam (NTSE)
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2021:India’s largest Online Science Talent Search Exam (NTSE): Understudies
who need to showing up for the Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2020 test should enlist
online through the schools by the 30th of September month. Understudies might
enroll with a late of Rs.20 till October 15.
The Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2020 test will be hung on November 29 or 30 and the outcomes will be reported on December 15.
Notwithstanding, enlisted understudies can download the Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) application and practice mock tests in the primary seven day stretch of November dependent on their client ID and secret word.
India's biggest Online Science ability search test 2020 for new India utilizing just computerized gadgets. Vigyan Vidhyarthi Manthan 2020-2021 – India's biggest ability scan assessment for new India utilizing just computerized gadgets.
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2021:India’s largest Online Science Talent Search Exam (NTSE)
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2020 is the India's biggest Online Science Talent Search Exam
'World's biggest Science Talent Contest', National Science Talent Contest'. VVM Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan National Science Talent Contest 2020.
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan (VVM) is a public science ability scan program for New India coordinated by VIBHA (Vijnana Bharati), in a joint effort with NCERT-Ministry of Human Resources and Development and Vigyan Prasar-a self-governing association under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India.
Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan
VVM is a National program for instructing and advocating science among school understudies of VI to XI norms. VVM expects to distinguish and sustain the brilliant personalities among the understudy local area, who are enthused about subjects identified with science. Online Science ability Search Exam 2020.
SCERT Telangana – Rc. No.1011/A/C&T/SCERT-TS/2019 Dated:2.3-08-2019:: Sub:- SCERT, Telangana, Hyderabad – Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan 2019-18 – Indias Largest Talent Search Examination for new India utilizing just advanced gadgets – Reg. Ref:- Lr.No.VP/058/47/A&AVVM/2019, Dt. 16-8-2019 of National Convener, Vignan Prasar, New Delhi.
The consideration of the multitude of District Educational Officers in the states is welcome to the read above and they are educated that Vigyan Bharathi banding together with NCERT and Vigyan Prasar, New Delhi will sort out the Science Talent Search Examination named Vidyarathi Vigyan Manthan (VVM - 2019) in November, 2019. The fundamental feature of the program are as per the following :
1) Online Science Talent Search Examination
The main level of this Science Talent Search Examination will be led online for understudies of class VI to VIII (Jr. Gathering) and class IX to XI.
2) Fee:
The support charge is Rs. 100/ - per understudy for understudies from public and tuition based schools.
3) Syllabus:
The prospectus for the assessment will be from the Science and Mathematics Textbooks of separate state sheets/NCERT (40 imprints).
Furthermore, the test likewise covers Indian Contribution to Science (20 imprints),
the existence of Dr. Homi Bhaba and Dr. Vikram Sarabhai (20 imprints) and
rationale/thinking/general information (20 imprints). Study material will be transferred by them for the prospectus on Indian Contribution in science and life of Dr. Homi Bhaba and Dr. Vikram Sarabhai on their site. No literature is given.
4) Exam length:
The length of the test will be for 2 hours (11.00 A.M to 1.00 P.M). The method of test will be internet utilizing a cell phone/tablet/PC.
5) Local Vigyan Bharathi will lead a direction program for the teachers to spread this program.
6) The fruitful applicants will be granted at School level, District level, State level, Zonal level and National level.
For compelling execution of the program VVM-2019 in the State, Vigyan Bharathi of Telangana state has assumed liability to facilitate this program. Dr. Perugu Shyam, Cont No. 9948561761, Email : is selected as state Convener for Telangana on deliberate premise and can be reached for more data about this program.
The program plan is as per the following
Significant Dates:
• Registration Opens: 01st August, 2020
• Registration Closes: 31st October, 2020
• Upload of VVM Study Material: twentieth August, 2020
• Mock Tests: 01st November, 2020 onwards
• Download Hall Tickets: No Hall Ticket Required
• Date of Examination (Login anyday): 29th November, 2020 and/or Monday, 30th November, 2020
• Time of Examination: 10:00 AM to 08:00 PM (an hour and a half)
• Students will actually want to login just a single time
• Declaration of Result: fifteenth December, 2020
• One or Two-day State Camp: tenth, seventeenth and 24th January, 2021 (any one day)*
• Two-day National Camp: fifteenth and sixteenth May, 2021*
Along these lines all the DEOs in the state are mentioned to make an important move in giving vide exposure to partake the understudies in the science ability search assessments according to the timetable and impart to the schools. The Broacher of VVM - 2019-18 is appended to this procedures for prepared reference. Move might be made likewise.