Reversionary Bonus-APGLI Policy holders-the triennium- GO.No.76
Reversionary Bonus to APGLI Policy holders, AP GO.No.76
delivered for APGLI Reversionary Bonus [Rs.100/for Rs.1000/ - ] to APGLI
Policyholders for the triennium under Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance
Scheme and Valuation of the APGLI Fund for triennium for 01-04-2008 to
31-03-2011. It is for the Declaration of Simple reversionary reward to the
policyholders of the APGLI Department.
Administration of Andhra Pradesh, Finance Department and
Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance (APGLI) Department has given
Government Order M.s.No.76 on April fourth, 2014. In a specific order APGLI
Fund for Period from 01.04.2008 to 31.03.2011 and Declaration of reversionary
Bonus of Rs.100 per Rs.1000 total guaranteed per annum. Government Order
M.s.No.76 subtleties are given in this post
Reversionary Bonus_APGLI Policy holders_ the triennium_GO.No.76
Administration OF ANDHRA PRADESH: Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department – Valuation of the Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund for the period from 01.04.2008 to 31.03.2011 – Declaration of Simple reversionary reward to the policyholders of Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Department – Acceptance of suggestions of the Actuary – Orders – Issued
G.O.M.s.No. 76; Dated:04.04.2014.
Peruse the accompanying
1. G.O.Ms.No.290, Finance (Admn.II) Department, Dt. 19.10.2013.
2. Lr.No.15/General-I/2013-2014, dated:10.02.2014 of Director of Insurance, A.P., Hyderabad.
Request: In the reference first read above, orders were given announcing the reward for the triennium from 01.04.2005 to 31.03.2008.
In the reference second read over, the Director of Insurance in his letter has proposed for statement of reward for the triennium for 01-04-2008 to 31-03-2011 dependent on the report of the Actuary. Reversionary Bonus to APGLI Policy holders
In the wake of thinking about the report of the Actuary, and the suggestions of the Director of Insurance, on the aftereffects of Valuation of Andhra Pradesh Government Life Insurance Fund for the triennium from 01-04-2008 to 31-03-2011, Government thus license the Director of Insurance to pronounce the accompanying reward.
APGLI Reversionary Bonus [Rs.100/for Rs.1000/ - ]:
a. A straightforward reversionary Bonus of Rs. 100/ - per thousand totals guaranteed per annum be allocated for each entire month, during which the polices were in power between 01-04-2008 to 31-03-2011, in regard of arrangements which were in power on 31-03-2011. Nonetheless, such of these arrangements which came about into a case by death or development on or after the assertion of past valuation results (for the triennium 2005-2008) and before the current valuation results are announced, are not permitted any reward now as they were chosen the premise of interval reward at the rates suggested in the past valuation report.
b. In regard of arrangements which become claims by death or development on or after the date of assertion of present valuation results and before the following valuation, results are proclaimed, between time reward be apportioned for each entire month for which such approach is in power during the period from 01.04.2011 to the date of death or end of the strategy all things considered, at the pace of Rs 100/ - per thousand totals guaranteed per annum.
In regard of approaches gave up during the above period, the interval reward is paid given the arrangement is in power on the following valuation date additionally for example break reward isn't paid for a messed up time of a valuation triennium.
1. The above extra rates will be material to the cases emerged on or after the date of the issue of this request.
2. The Director
of Insurance, A.P., and Hyderabad will make an important move in the matter
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