Food Plan ,Breakfast , Snacks Giving, MDM Menu in AP Schools
Food Plan ,Breakfast , Snacks Giving, MDM Menu in AP Schools: – Noontime Supper Plan – Braced millet-based rolls as breakfast Proposition in AP Schools - AP LR.NO:285/MDM-2/2015 – DATED: 31/10/2015: Giving of Breakfast/Snacks under Late morning Feast Plan:
Administration of Andhra Pradesh, School Instruction Division, and AP Early afternoon Dinner Plan will give Tidbits or Breakfast, Snaks in MDM Menu in AP Schools for first Class to tenth Class Understudies and AP MDM Plan snacks/breakfast giving under AP MDM Plan. Late morning Feast plot Tidbits and Breakfast Timetable – Sustained millet-based bread rolls as breakfast.
Food Plan ,Breakfast , Snacks Giving, MDM Menu in AP Schools
The Area Authorities, in Andhra Pradesh State
School Instruction Division – MDM Plan Giving breakfast/snacks under Early afternoon Feast Plan – Braced millet-based bread rolls as breakfast-Proposition Submitted-Reg.
I wish to educate that Noontime Supper conspire is being carried out in AP state covering 3901329 No. of understudies from I-X Class inside Yearly Financial plan of 2015-16 Rs.705.43 Crores. In discussion with specialists of Public Establishment Of Sustenance (NIN) and Home Science School, Horticultural College, the MDM menu is recommended for the schools. As needs be the terms are being cooked and served the school point.
MDM Menu and Food Standards for AP Schools:
As of now, the MDM menu and food standards for Essential, Upper Essential and Secondary Schools is shown beneath:
Food Standards: Breakfast and Tidbits Giving in AP Schools and MDM Menu
S.No Item Quantity each day per youngster Primary Amount each day per childUpper Essential/Secondary School/NCLP
1 Food Grains 100 grms 150 grms
2 Pulses 20 grms 30 grms
3 Vegetables ,(verdant also) 50 grms 75 grms
4 Oil and Fat 5 grms 7.5 grms
5 Double Sustained salt and iodized salt and Condiments As per need As per need
Food Plan ,Breakfast , Snacks Giving, MDM Menu in AP Schools
S.No. Week Menu
1 Monday Sambar
2 Tuesday Vegetables
3 Wednesday Dal and Vegetables
4 Thursday Sambar
5 Friday Vegetables
6 Saturday Dal and Vegetables
7 *EGG/Banana Twice seven days
Public Foundation of Nourishment (NIN) after an assessment study has prompted that millet based things might be remembered for the MDM menu, Hon'ble Boss Pastor and Honble Clergyman HRD have likewise coordinated that the sustenance worth of MDM being served in the schools might be upgraded by including millet based things of food in the current MDM menu.
portion of the proposed millet-based things of food, are, Ragi Sankati, Broken
Wheat Dhalia, arrangements made one of Jowar and Maize, millet-based bread
rolls, and so on You are mentioned to offer your remarks and ideas for
including which of the millet-based food things as to your region. Benevolently
present your ideas. So further vital move can be made at this end.
>>>>>>>>>Breakfast & Snacks Providing in
AP Schools and MDM Menu<<<<<<<<<<