Administrative Office, GKVK, Bengalore
I. Eligibility Criteria for Recruitment of Assistant Professor:
A Master's degree with at least 55% (For traditional System) or 60% (For Trimester System) or 70% (For Semester System) marks (or an equivalent grade in a point-scale wherever the grading system is followed) in a concerned/relevant/allied subject from an Indian University, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign University.
iiBesides fulfilling the above mentioned qualifications, the candidate must have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC/ICAR/CSIR or a similar test accredited by the UGC,like SLET/SET or who are or have been awarded a Ph.D. Degree in accordance with the University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award ofM.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) Regulations, 2009 or 2016 and their amendments from time to time as the case may be exempted from NET/SLET/SET.
Provided, the candidates registered for the Ph.D. programme prior to July 11,
2009, shall be governed by the provisions of the then existing Regulations of the Institution awarding the degree and such Ph.D. candidates shall be exempted from the requirement of NET/SLET /SET for recruitment and appointment of Assistant Professor or equivalent positions in Universities/Colleges/Institutions subject to the fulfilment of the following conditions: -
a) The Ph.D. Degree of the candidate has been awarded in a regular mode; b) The Ph.D. thesis has been evaluated by at least two external examiners; c) The Ph.D. viva voce of the candidate has been conducted;
d) The Candidate has published two research papers from his/her Ph.D. work, out of which at least one is in a refereed journal;
e) The candidate has presented at least two papers based on his/her Ph.D
work in conferences/seminars sponsored/funded/supported by the UGC
I ICSSRI CSIR or any similar agency.
The Fulfilment of these conditions is to be certified by the Registrar of the
University concerned.
l.NET shall also not be required for such Masters Programme in disciplines for which NET is not conducted by the UGC,ICAR,CS'IRor similar test accredited by the UGC,like SLET/SET.
2.The score obtained as specified in the score card shall be considered for short
listing for interview and the selections shall be based on overall performance.
iii The upper age limit to apply for the entry level post of Assistant Professor or equivalent post in the Farm Universities of Karnataka is 45, 43 and 42 for SC & ST, aBC and General Category candidates, respectively.
II. Farm Manager:
(a) Bachelor's degree in Agriculture / Horticulture / Forestry / Sericulture / Agril. Marketing and Cooperation from a recognized Agricultural University with a good academic record and a minimum aGPA of 6.50/10.00 or CGPAof2.25/4.00 or its equivalent or 55% of marks (where grade points are not in vogue).
(b) Relaxation of minimum aGPA from 6.50/10.00 to 6.00/10.00 and CGPAof2.25/4.00 to
2.00/4.00 is provided for SC/ST category (55% to 50% Of marks where grade points are not in vogue).
Instru cti ons:
I. Assistant Professor
1. Application /Processing Fee for Assistant Professor Cadre Posts is Rs. 2000/- and for
SC/ST Candidates Rs. 1000/- (Attested Caste Certificate to be enclosed).
2. Physically Challenged/Ex-servicemen or children of Defense personnel killed or disabled in action are exempted from payment of application fee provided they produce the appropriate certificate in this behalf.
3. Minimum marks prescribed for placing in the selection panel for Assistant Professor is 40 marks and for SC, ST, aBC (Non Creamy Layer) and Differently Abled / Specially abled category 05 marks relaxation is prescribed.
4. Candidates have to enclose their published research papers, books and publications etc.
compulsorily to the applications. Those not enclosed to the applications will not be taken into consideration.
5. Eligible candidates for Teaching Post will be called, in the proportion of 1:5 for interview.
6. The Selection Process for Assistant Professor Posts is as per the Notification No. AO/RT / Qualification & Score-card (Asst.Prof.)/2021-22 dated 04-08-2021 and Notification No. Aa/RT/ Qualification & Score-card (AsstProf.)/2021-22 dated 24-09-2021.
7. The upper age limit to apply for the entry level post of Assistant Professor or equivalent
post in the Farm Universities of Karnataka is 45, 43 and 42 for SC & ST, OBC and General
Category candidates, respectively.
II. Farm Manager
1. Application / Processing Fee for Farm Manager Posts: General Merit candidates
Rs.1000/- and for SC/ST Candidates Rs. 500/- (Attested Caste Certificate to be enclosed).
2. Physically Challenged/Ex-servicemen or children of Defense personnel killed or disabled in action are exempted from payment of application fee provided they produce the appropriate certificate in this behalf.
3. The selection process for the posts of Farm Manager is as per the Notification No. AO /
RSP / C&RR/ T-Series /2007-08, dated: 16-01-2008 & No. AO / RSP / C&RR/ T-Series
/Amendment/ 2008-09 dated 07-07-2008 published in the Karnataka Gazette dated 20-
01-2008 and 28-08-2008 respectively.
4. The maximum age prescribed for applying to posts of Farm Manager is 40 years.
S. Eligible candidates for Farm Manager Posts will be called, in the proportion 1:10, for interview.
General Instructions:
1. Filled-in application together with allied enclosures should be submitted in an envelope, superscribing on it, "APPLICATIONFOR THE POST OF .. and addressed to THE ADMINISTRATIVEOFFICER,UNIVERSITYOF AGRICULTURALSCIENCESG, KVK,BENGALURU
- 560 065 on or before 09-03-2022. The filled in applications must accompany the prescribed fee in the form of Demand Draft in favour of the Comptroller, UAS,Bangalore.
2. Number of vacancies notified under this notification is subject to alteration and the
University reserves the right to fill-in / not to fill-in any or all the vacancies notified.
3. The entire Notification along with the detailed qualifications prescribed for the posts and the prescribed application/s can be viewed/downloaded from the official website of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore (
4. In case of non-availability of suitable / eligible applicants. for the posts earmarked for
OBCs,the regulations laid down as per the Government Order will be followed.
S. Candidates claiming reservation under Rural Category should possess the Rural Area study certificates. (from 1st to 10th standard) issued by the competent authorities.
6. The applicants belonging to General category, who claim reservation under Rural quota,
have to produce a certificate issued by the competent authority, confirming that, they do not come under the purview of Creamy Layer, in the prescribed form
7. Once applied, the application/processing fee will not be reimbursed
8. The candidates who have studied under Trimester System and other than 10 point grading system are required to produce the certificate of equivalent percentage obtained from the competent authority
9. Separate applications are to be sent for each Cadre/Subject.
10. Knowledge of reading and writing kannada is desirable
11. Candidates already in service (Government / Quasi Government) should submit their applications through proper channel. Such of those Candidates who are in service, if are anticipating delay in sending their applications through proper channel, may submit advance copy of the application along with photocopy of the application fee and duly attested relevant/ supporting documents/ credentials. If the applicant is a permanent employee in any Government Department or any other State Government or Central Government or Quasi Government or any other University and made application without consent of the Head of the Department or of the Government or Head of the University / Institution, as the case may be, under which he / she was an employee, is not eligible for appointment for any post notified.
12. In-service/Outside employee (other than UAS-B) candidates should submit their applications through their Controlling Officer / Employer. They should also ensure that
the applications should reach the University on or before the last date prescribed. If any delay in sending the application through proper channel is anticipated, an advance copy of the application should be sent within the last date prescribed. Further, they should ensure that their confidential reports of preceeding five years (from the year of this application) shall reach the University from their employer as indicated in the forwardal certificate. However, the application through proper channel should reach the University not later than 15 days from the last date prescribed for submission of application.
13. Alllate & incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.
14. The candidate is liable to face action, deemed fit, ifhe / she furnishes any false information in the application form.
15. The appointed candidates will be governed by the Statutes and Regulations/C&RRof the
16. Onlyattested copies of the certificates should be enclosed along with the application.
17. The candidate has to attend the interview at his/her own cost
18. The appointment is subjected to fulfilment of alJthe eligibility conditions prescribed by the University.
19. No recommendation should be forwarded to the University. Canvassingin any form amounts to disqualification of the Candidature.
20. The Selected candidates will be corning under the New Pension Scheme as per the
Government Order and as amended from time to time.
21. The Selected candidates have to produce Police Verification Certificate issued by the Competent Authority under their jurisdiction with regard to involvement or not in any criminal case, or involvement or not in act, which attracts moral turpitude. If the involvement in such cases/acts is proved, it results in cancellation of his / her selection. However, production of Police Verification Certificate is not mandatory for candidates
1. The Secretary to Governor, Govt. of Karnataka, Raj Bhavan, Bengaluru-O'l.
2. The Principal Secretary to Government, Department of Agriculture, GoK, M.S.Building, Bengaluru-Ol.
3. The Hon'ble Members, Board of Management, UAS,GKVK,Bengaluru.
Copy to:
1. All the Officers of University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
2. All the Deans/ University Heads/Heads of KVKs/Heads of
Schemes/Heads of Research Station of UAS,Bangalore.
3.The Head, AKMU,UAS,GKVK,Bengaluru - To upload this Notification to the University Website along with other Notifications.
4. Secretary to Vice-Chancellor, UAS,GKVK,Bengaluru. S. The File.
With a request to circulate among all the concerned & display this Notification in respective Notice Board.